mardi 26 janvier 2010

Who would have thought?

Who would have thought that wigs can look so natural? I never did until I started to work with wigs. You have no idea how many people around you are wearing wigs or extensions and you never even knew. Of course people think that wigs show since the only wigs we notice are the ones that are not properly installed or of bad quality. That is why our wigs are so great, no one can know, unless of course you tell them.

Lets play a game, I want you to guess which pictures are wigs and which are not. You can post the answers on this blog directly and tomorrow I will give the answers.

1 commentaire:

TaxLawyer a dit...

Sans aucun doute la meilleur qualité de cheveux humains qui existent sur le marché quant aux prothèses capillaires

Amazing quality Wigs